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Template: eNPS Tracking and Results

🎯 Description

Continue to build a fast-growing, best-in-class, diverse & distributed team where every employee finds purpose, enjoyment, and opportunities to reach their potential in their work. We use eNPS (Employee Net Promoter Score) to gauge employee sentiment by asking: How likely is it that you would recommend working at Guru to a friend or family member?

πŸ“ Measurement

eNPS surveys are sent out once per quarter. To calculate our eNPS, you take the % of respondents who rate us 1 - 6 (Detractors) and subtract that from respondents who rate us 9 - 10 (Promoters).

  1. eNPS is on a 0 to 10 rating scale, where 0 = You're not at all likely to recommend working here πŸ˜” and 10 = You're highly likely to recommend working here to a friend or family member 😁
  2. Results are confidential: only the People Team will have access to your responses, which will not be shared on an individual level. We will anonymize, aggregate and analyze the results prior to sharing them with managers or the team as a whole.
  3. Your responses will help us understand what you all love about working here, as well as anything you'd like for us to change. Our goal is to continually improve the employee experience.

πŸ†• Current Status: Month Year Results (measuring FYXX QX)

Provide an overview of the company's current eNPS rating. This section not only identifies the company-wide eNPS score (e.g., the rating has increased from 'x' to 'y'), but it also compares the rating to its goal of 'z' and outlines the main implications of the data (e.g., higher participation, further questions to explore, and key next steps).

πŸͺœ Immediate Next Steps

Guru's Next Step Best Practices:

  1. Update the Key Result card and disseminate eNPS analysis in the next company Knewsletter.
  2. Schedule follow up conversations based on response trends to dive deeper into feedback.
    1. For example, seek participants who haven't replied in the last 4 surveys or newly passive/detractor respondents after averaging as a promoter over the last 4 surveys.
    1. Debrief findings synchronously among People Business Partners.
    2. Utilize the conversations to drive insights and connection to organizational strategy.
  3. Develop and communicate an action plan to address feedback.
  4. Apply the successes and feedback to the company's future work.
  5. Using the summary by tenure, review areas for improvement within the employee lifecycle.
    1. Deliver recommendations to key stakeholders.
  6. Identify opportunities to increase survey participation.

πŸš€ Impact of eNPS

This section could be utilized to explain the impact that Employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS) has had in businesses. The section could include the benefits that businesses have enjoyed as a result of measuring and understanding their employees' level of satisfaction, such as increased productivity, better customer service, and higher employee retention. It could also discuss the common pitfalls associated with implementing eNPS, such as inconsistent surveys, mundane incentives, and lack of management engagement.

πŸ’― Response Rate: ##%

The purpose of this section is to provide an overview and analysis of the response rate, as well as notable trends in how people responded.

Here are notable trends in how our team responded to eNPS:

  1. xx% of respondents provided feedback in this survey who did not respond to the prior eNPS survey
  2. xx% of respondents had no change in response from the last eNPS survey
  3. xx% of respondents had a negative change in response from the prior eNPS survey:
    1. y% shifted from Promoter -> Passive
    2. z% shifted to from Promoter or Passive --> Detractor
  4. xx% of respondents had a positive change in response from the prior eNPS survey:
    1. y% shifted from Passive -> Promoter
    2. z% shifted from Detractor -> Promoter

πŸ“ˆ Departmental Trends (QX to QY)

This section attempts to analyze the performance trends of each department of a company between the last and current eNPS survey. Look at historical data to compare how each department performed and use tables to convey what changes occurred over time. Then, use this analysis to create a series of recommendations on how to improve the performance of each department going forward.

πŸ“ˆ On the Up

  • What departments have increased over time?
  • What may be reasons for this?

πŸ€ Rebounds

  • What departments have increased after declining?
  • What may be reasons for this?

βš–οΈ steady

  • What departments have remained stable over time?
  • What may be reasons for this?

πŸ“‰ On the Decline?

  • What departments are declining?
  • What may be reasons for this?

πŸ—ΊοΈ eNPS by Location

The high-level purpose of this section is to provide an overview of the eNPS by location for to monitor and ensure consistent employee experiences across different locations.

βš™οΈ eNPS by Team

Team-based analysis is important because it allows us to zoom in and see how different parts of the organization feel about their work. Without this kind of analysis, it would be difficult to understand where we can make improvements at an individual team level. We can uncover that leadership sentiments may need alignment with specific teams, like product or sales.. This will help us to act quickly and make sure that everyone in the organization is feeling engaged.

πŸ“… Summary by Tenure

Measuring eNPS by tenure helps us understand opportunities for improvement throughout the employee lifecycle. By understanding how employee engagement by tenure, we can create better experiences to meet the needs of employees at specific points in their employee journey.

❀️ Things We Love!

Identify the top 5 things your team loves about working here with the frequency mentioned.

This helps highlight the positives of the workplace environment and allows us keep in mind what employees value most when making decisions.

πŸ—―οΈ Notable Quoted Feedback

Highlight a few (2-4) quotes that embody what employees love about their employee experience.

πŸ—£ Things We Can Improve

πŸ“ˆ Trends

Identify opportunities to improve that have appeared throughout multiple surveys and have been addressed by People Ops or leadership.

🧐 Additional highlighted feedback

Share the top 3-5 opportunities for improvement identified in the eNPS survey, along with the frequency mentioned. Where possible, identify steps already taken to address this feedback.

πŸ—―οΈ notable quoted feedback

Highlight a few (2-4) quotes that embody what employees see as opportunities for improvement.

πŸ“Š Data Visualization

Provide data visualization wherever possible, like eNPS by Month charts or tables relevant to the analysis above.

πŸ“– Historic Analysis

Provide links to historic analysis where it exists.

You must have Author or Collection Owner permission to create Guru Cards. Contact your team's Guru admins to use this template.