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Rules of Engagement - Support & Engineering


Last Update:


Both teams exist to ensure customers achieve their desired outcomes with Chili Piper, including timely creation of dev tasks, bug behavior replication, prioritization, fast resolution of bugs and service disruptions. Together they innovate to improve customer experiences and restore product functionality to an ideal state.

The following rules of engagement exist as a guide for internal staff to ensure 100% alignment and accountability to make customers successful.

Customer Support Engineers own…

  1. All technical tickets managed in Zendesk assigned to the Support Group

  2. Customer communication until resolution, for all issue types

  3. Replication of bugs, documentation in JIRA and setting of prioritization

  4. Posting and updating of status page in cases of major service disruption


The tasks owned by Support include:

Issue categories via Zendesk

Here is a full list of categories as documented here - they are the categories we use in Zendesk which cover the range of issues we encounter.

Engineers own…

  1. Timely resolution of JIRA bugs once assigned in their name, within SLA

  2. Communication with Support for all major releases, maintenance work, database upgrades

  3. Immediate hotfixes ouside the rollout schedule for P1 and P2 bugs

  4. Immediate investigation and fix for service disruptions

  5. Deployment of JIRA Tasks needed by Support for additional troubleshooting or Support tools (e.g. logs, backoffice updates, API endpoints for internal tools)

  6. Writing postmortems for P1 and P2 bugs or service disruptions or on a case-by-case basis, requested by Support


The tasks owned by Engineers include:

  • Bug fixes deployed to staging

  • Regular rollouts to Canary and GA, with bug fixes within SLA as per Customer Risk Framework (SLA = creation until GA)

  • Communication with Support for rollouts on #release-status and invites to Gcal event New Release Process

  • Timely communication via comments JIRA Tasks when further information is needed

  • Investigation and fix for service disruptions, with constant communication with Support as per Outage process 🔥

Customer Support Engineers should NOT

  • Reach out to engineers via email or direct slack messages to address issues, all requests must be funneled through JIRA Tasks

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