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Get support letters for projects

UArctic is dedicated to supporting the development of activities by its members and units. A UArctic support letter can help you document that your proposed activity or initiative is rooted in true international networking cooperation. It can also strengthen arguments for wider use of project investment for the funder.

Carrying the signature of the President, UArctic support letters will be promptly issued by the UArctic International Secretariat after a quality review by the relevant UArctic activity area leader.


We will consider support letter requests for activities that are:

  1. For a UArctic-endorsed activity which is part of UArctic's core operations in education, mobility, research programs, or network administration;
  2. For a UArctic-related initiative or project involving an established Program, Thematic Network, and UArctic Institute; or
  3. For a UArctic-relevant activity originating from a UArctic member institution.


For us to adequately review a request and produce a support letter, each request proposal needs to include the following details:

  1. A summary of the call or funding initiative for which the letter of support is requested
  2. A short draft text for the support letter, to ensure we address areas that are important to the application
  3. The name, title and organization of the lead person, as well as the names, titles and organization of all application partners
  4. A brief description of the purpose of the project or initiative, how it is linked to UArctic, and how it reflects our goals and values
  5. If applicable, details on specific confidentiality requirements relating to information about the project and/or the application proposal


Requests should be submitted at least 14 days in advance of any deadline.

Request a support letter

Submit the required information through the Support Letter Request Form. The UArctic International Secretariat will be in touch if further information is required.


In receiving a letter of support from UArctic, applicants agree to provide the UArctic International Secretariat with:

  1. A copy of the final application or a summary within two weeks after it has been formally submitted
  2. Information on any decision made regarding the application in question, provided within two weeks of receipt

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