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The CS Org

What team's make up the CS Org and what role are they taking in it's success.

The Team

We have specialized teams in place to achieve the mission and metrics in our Scorecard. These include:

Customer Love: responsible for resolving technical issues quickly while maintaining a great experience for customers. Consists of Customer Support Engineers (CSEs) led by the Director of Customer Love.

Customer Onboarding: responsible for ensuring new customers join and launch Chili Piper quickly while maintaining a great experience. Consists of Solution Consultants (SCs) led by the Director of Customer Onboarding.

Customer Success: responsible for increasing product adoption and logo retention by helping customers achieve their desired outcomes with Chili Piper. Consists of Customer Success Managers (CSMs) led by the Director of Customer Success.

Digital Customer Success: responsible for saving time for customers and the customer teams who support them through digital CS methods. Consists of Customer Knowledge Managers (CKMs) and a Customer Success Enablement Manager led by the Director of Digital Customer Success.

Cross Team Collaboration 👏

At Chili Piper, we believe no one owns the customer but someone always owns the moment. We recognize that we can't help customers achieve success without strong alignment backstage so we have defined Rules of Engagement (ROEs) for how the CS org partners with other teams cross-functionally. You can check out The CS Team's Rules of Engagement with Cross Functional Teams

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