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Visibility and exposure through UArctic media channels

UArctic's news channels – the website, email newsletter and bulletin, as well as our social media – have a wide reach within the network and our global audience.

Get your news published on the UArctic website

  • Show the impact of your work and promote your northern-related activities.
  • Gain visibility and a larger audience for events, publications, achievements, etc.

News stories are the best way to show the impact of your institution's work and share information about activities. You can draw attention to your institution's highlights and experiences, and promote events, publications, and opportunities for researchers and students. News stories about your institution are furthermore linked to your member profile and shared through social media, which guarantees maximum visibility.

For an even wider reach for news stories, they are furthermore shared through our email newsletter and a selected few are included in our monthly bulletin.

Member profile featured on UArctic website

Member profiles are one of the most meaningful ways to promote your institution and its activities. They provide a comprehensive overview of your institution, highlight its Arctic expertise, and show how your institution contributes to Arctic higher education and research. Any news stories related to your institution are linked to your member profile.

  • Your institutions member profile is the most important and visible information source, a one-stop shop.
  • Here you can highlight your institution's strengths and areas of expertise.

As an example of a member profile, see UiT The Arctic University of Norway's member profile or go through the list of members by their home country here.

Possibility to get featured in Shared Voices Magazine

Shared Voices is UArctic's annual print magazine, highlighting our activities, our members, and broader issues in the Circumpolar North. The UArctic magazine Shared Voices is printed annually. Read the magazines online here.

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