Product-Assist Pivot Process Template
Step 1: Confirm and Eliminate Friction
[List the different tactics and resources your team should use to uncover friction]
[List the different tactics and resources your team should use to eliminate friction]
Remember to confirm that friction has been eliminated with a question such as “give that a try and then tell me if it’s working now?” or ““tell me how this suggestion aligns with what you were envisioning?”
Step 2: Pivot
[List the different initial friction points (usually more tactical) that should trigger your team to pivot]
[List the potential additional friction points (usually more strategic) those should pivot into]
Step 3: Guide Next Steps
[List the appropriate next steps to offer someone that is Low/Low]
[List the appropriate next steps to offer someone that is Low/High]
[List the appropriate next steps to offer someone that is High/Low]
[List the appropriate next steps to offer someone that is High/High]