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Case Study and Customer Quotes

Use this case study template to share your customer stories to help win new business. Learn more about this template.

About [Customer X]

[The Acme Corporation] is a company that [sells outlandish products that famously fail or backfire catastrophically at the worst possible times. Their biggest customer, Wile E. Coyote, has contributed the most to their success.]

[Acme Corp.] BEFORE adding our product:
[What was the main challenge the customer was trying to solve before finding us?]

[Acme Corp] AFTER adding our product:
[How did we help the customer overcome their challenges?]

Teams at [Acme] we support:
[Add teams here]
Marketing || Ops || Product and Engineering || CS || Sales

Other tools, processes, and notes:
[Add account notes for your sales and service teams, like must-keep tools and future opportunities where the account might grow]
Salesforce, Zendesk, Slack, Microsoft Teams, and dynamite

Customer Quotes

[Use this section to add any quotes from this customer's company.]


Name & Title


[Your product or service] is necessary for everyone at [Acme]

"Without this product, life would be chaos—we’d have to build out another system ASAP."

[Your product or service] helped [Acme] hit their business goals

"Giving our teams this product directly helped us achieve our goals for the quarter!"

[Positive impacts] of [your product or service]

"I appreciate that [your product or service] puts our team in the driver seat so we feel more comfortable and confident that we are aligned across the company."

Customer Product & Goal Insights

[Use this section to add any insights or goals achieved by your customer through your product.]

Acme's results after using [your product or service]:

  • [X percent improvement in first response time]

  • [Y percent increase in closed won deals]

  • [Increase in employee engagement]

  • [85% of teams are using your product or service]

Customer Champion

[Use this section to add background about your main point of contact who is a fan of your product or service.]

Name: Wile E. Coyote
Pronouns: he/him
Role: Senior Manager, Road Running

  • Background: [notes about the point of contact - personal points of connection with their Customer Service/Account Rep]

  • Experience with [our product or service]: [share the story of their relationship with your company]

  • Willing to be a Customer Reference Volunteer? [Y/N]
    What they are willing to do:

    • Act as a phone reference [Y/N]

    • Speak to analysts [Y/N]

    • Be interviewed for written case study [Y/N]

    • Provide a testimonial for press releases, white papers, or website [Y/N]

Account-based Marketing (ABM) and Customer Story Assets

[Use this section to add any published assets that are targeted toward this account or created about this customer.]

Email Template: Request a Case Study

Hi [Name],

We’re so excited you [achieved this result] with our [product/service] and wanted to feature the cool things you’re doing [in this area] so we can showcase your work.

If that’s something you might be interested in, we can talk very generally about how you achieved this and make sure to exclude anything you’re not comfortable sharing.

Let me know if you’d be interested in having a case study on our site?

You must have Author or Collection Owner permission to create Guru Cards. Contact your team's Guru admins to use this template.