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Template: Win/Loss Review Process

Who is involved in win/loss reviews?

  • Win/loss reviews are to be conducted by product marketing and product marketing only. No sales team members should be present for win/loss reviews.

Before the interview

  • A PMM will sit down with the opportunity owner (usually an AE) and any relevant sales managers to get background on the evaluation. Background includes: how the prospect got involved in the proposal, the type of relationship they had/have with the customer/prospect, the sales processes involved, the products or solutions evaluated, the result, and whether they anticipated this result.

  • The AE will introduce the PMM to their prospect over email so the PMM can schedule the interview. The PMM should provide context in the email about the topics that are up for discussion.

During the interview

  • PMM should explain upfront that the purpose of the interview is to learn as much as possible about the customer or prospect's perceptions and experience during the recent sales process with the goal of continuous improvement.

  • PMM should discuss confidentiality: The idea is to communicate feedback throughout the organization, but if the customer/prospect feels there are certain aspects that are too sensitive, they should be flagged during the conversation.

  • PMM should always thank the prospect/customer for their time.

  • PMM will refer to the questions template to guide the conversation.


  • PMM will send a thank you note to the customer/prospect and confirm with the AE that the interview took place.

  • AE will review the notes and/or call recording to learn what they did well and what they could have done better.

  • PMM will summarize in writing the notes from the interview and upload them to Guru. PMM will also proactively share feedback with relevant parties, as laid out in the knowledge sharing template.

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