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Customer Success Meetings

The meetings a CS team members has with customers through out the customer journey.

Why Meetings are Important 🥂

At Chili Piper we drink our own champagne. Our team utilizes specific meeting types for specific calls and stages because with Chili Piper we are able to track these types of calls in our CRM and utilize them for reporting. This is important to understand how long customers are staying in each phase or head count planning for our team.

Onboarding Phase

Kickoff Call

First Call with a new customer. This meeting is used to review why the customer purchased Chili Piper, success metrics, and start their new product setup.

Onboarding Call

Second call onward with a customer used for the continuation of their Chili Piper setup. This can be used multiple times if more meetings are needed to get the customer completely setup.

Launch Day

Go live meeting! This call is used to do a review of what has been setup and train the team on what is to come with Chili Piper. After this meeting you should have everything in place to go live with Chili Piper on the call or shortly after.

Adoption Phase

(if new products are added onboarding meetings can also happen in this phase)

Success Meeting

This meeting is first held 30 days after going live with Chili Piper. It is used as a touch point on how adoption is going and if there is anything that needs to be tweaked. Afterward, this can be held bi-annually dependent on the customer's needs.

Strategic Product Meeting

Enterprise customers will have a bi-annual Strategic Product Meetings and have a direct opportunity to connect with our product team. This meeting is held 150 days into the adoption phase of the customer's journey.

Quick Support

This meeting comes from our support router, in-app. Anytime throughout the adoption phase and beyond, customers can request support calls and be routed either to their dedicated CSM or a member of our Customer Love team. This is a 15 minute customer scheduled meeting based on support needs.

Growth Phase

(all previous meetings can also happen in this phase)

Enablement Session

Over the lifecycle of a customer there is often new admins and end users introduced. This meeting is used to pass information admin to admin, introduce new admins, or educate end users on Chili Piper.

Working Session

This is a sort of general catch all meeting. Through out a customer's journey they will likely make changes to their setup, integrate new products, or want to talk growth. A working session is the perfect type of meeting for our conversations outside the above.

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