Product Feature Support Troubleshooting
Use this template to document troubleshooting for your product or feature and information your team will need to walk your customer through this process. Learn more about this template.
This card covers [x] troubleshooting issues that may arise with [product/feature]:
^(Expert tip: you can use a markdown block to create heading anchors within your Card. Click the edit icon to see these markdown blocks. Learn more on anchoring.)
Issue 1 Title
Post a quick summary of the issue here.
Post error code here, or specific error message, or scenario where error occurs.
Create a bulleted list of options or workarounds for solution, or
Write out a numbered, step-by-step process to fix it
Make sure to provide your team with the right language they should use to help the customer solve this problem.
Issue 2 Title
Post a quick summary of the issue here.
Post error code here, or specific error message, or scenario where error occurs.
Create a bulleted list of options or workarounds for solution, or
Write out a numbered, step-by-step process to fix it
Make sure to provide your team with the right language they should use to help the customer solve this problem.