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Nominate UArctic Chairs

UArctic Chairs are highly qualified academics who will serve as academic drivers in a broad problem area of relevance to the Arctic. They implement and drive collaborative actions among UArctic members and Thematic Networks; develop research cooperation, including undergraduate, graduate, PhD and postdoctoral scientist training; and build partnerships with the broader Arctic community.


UArctic Chairs shall be nominated and elected based on the following criteria:

  1. Excellence in scientific and academic work or Indigenous Knowledge systems, with added value
    on multidisciplinarity.
  2. Commitment to UArctic’s mission and values.
  3. Leadership in fostering knowledge in society (including key northern constituencies).
  • Care shall be taken that the selection of UArctic Chairs reflects UArctic’s values, including
    circumpolar, gender balance and Indigenous representation.
  • Diversity among competence area, background, gender, and geographic home base shall carry weight
    in the selection process.

Selection Process

  • UArctic’s leadership shall solicit nominations from member institutions and organizations.
  • A nomination should include the name and present function of the candidate, the thematic area in
    which the person is being nominated, background information / biography, CV, motivation text,
    recommendation text, documented support from host institution(s) clarifying access to resources and
    support, and as relevant include letters of recommendations from partners and co-workers.
  • The UArctic Academic Advisory Board (MIMIR) will evaluate nominations (note: this will initially be
    done by an interim Academic Advisory Board), and give advice on Chair function area and Chair title
    for candidate that are considered qualified.
  • The President of UArctic will group nominations into clusters reflecting competence and background
    gaps and overlap considerations and will present this to the UArctic Board. The Board will review the
    candidates in each grouping and decide candidates based on competences, diversity, and balance
    requirements that fit UArctic’s needs.

See the list of current Chairs here.

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