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Template: Your Company Kick Off - Know Before you go

Being planful pays off - Guidance for Virtual Event DRis:

  • Two months in advance: Block virtual company-wide events

  • One month in advance: Circulate and calendar skeleton agenda, set expectations about attendance and participation

  • Two weeks in advance: Leaders get their teams HYPE about the events

  • One week in advance: Send Knowledge Alert with the Know Before you you knowledge

  • Day of events: Post session details with easter eggs and any Q & A/in session engagement

Example Card Content for Employees

What to Peruse before you attend 🧐:

  • [Insert Company Plan]

  • [Mission and vision]

  • [FY22 Company Goals]

  • [Forms like your size in sweatpants]

Which sessions should i attend?

List sessions at-a-glance, expected audiences

  • CKO Town Hall (2/9)

  • Sales/CSM Awards (2/10) For the Revenue Team

  • Customer Journey Session 2x (2/11)

  • Trivia (2/11) 🧠

  • Rick's Office Hours (2/12)

  • BHM Music Appreciation (2/18) ✊🏼✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿

  • Hack-a-thon (2/19)

Schedule Reading Time: What about these pre-work sessions?

These sessions are solo activities scheduled so you can complete the pre-work for the upcoming CKO sessions you can accept one, or all, or none if you've already done it. Bonus points if you've already done it. 🎉

Why: Expected Outcomes

  1. Understand how your work directly impacts your company's growth and expansion

  2. Team bonding and connection


You must have Author or Collection Owner permission to create Guru Cards. Contact your team's Guru admins to use this template.