Key updates for the 2025 survey
Here is a summary of the key changes that we have made in the 2025 survey.
Offline survey
We are using Excel version of the survey again this year. This enables you to work offline and better distribute the questions among team members collecting the data and associated evidence.
It is important that you do NOT modify the structure of the spreadsheet as that will invalidate the scoring of your submission.
Submitting evidence information
New - This year we are going to provide you with a document in which you will include all of the evidence for your 2025 submission. You will simply copy/paste or enter your evidence into that document which is organized by question and option.
Your evidence should be brief and specific to the question and item. Please submit only snippets of files and not entire documents. Also please indicate through highlighting etc. where the key information is to be found.
Data privacy
- Privacy of members: The organization ensures that personal information submitted by members is kept confidential and not shared with external parties without explicit permission.
- Privacy of organizations: The names of organizations participating in the Global Benchmark are kept private unless they achieve special recognition, and even then, only with their consent.
- Purpose of evidence files: Evidence files are used for analyzing, scoring, and reporting on the Global Benchmark until June 2025.
- Deletion of evidence files: After the reporting period ends, evidence files may be deleted.
In summary, Workplace Pride is committed to protecting the privacy of its members and organizations involved in the Global Benchmark, and only uses information for the intended purpose of evaluating and reporting on their participation.
Question clarity and numbering
- Question content: The core questions remain the same, but the wording and options have been clarified to improve understanding.
- Question removal: Question 3-1 has been removed, and its key items merged into question 3-2. Question 4-2 has also been removed, and its key items moved into question 4-1.
- Question streamlining: Some questions have been streamlined and overlapping items removed to better reflect current best practices.
- Question numbering: To maintain consistent numbering, the option numbers of remaining items have not been changed, even if some options have been removed. This may result in non-sequential numbering in certain questions.
In summary, the survey questions have been updated for clarity and to better align with current practices, while the overall structure and content have been preserved.
Summary of the most important question changes in the 2025 survey
All scoring sections 1-8
- Removal of "Other (specify below)" option: The option to specify "Other" has been removed from all individual questions in the scoring section.
- Addition of new questions: A new question has been added to each section (labeled 1-other, 2-other, etc.) for respondents to specify any additional items that don't fit into the existing options.
- Purpose of new questions: These questions should only be used for items that cannot be shared in any other part of the survey.
In summary, the survey has been modified to provide more flexibility for respondents to share additional information in the scoring section, while still maintaining a structured format.
Demographics questions
Dem-6 This data is used to group and compare scores with other, similar organizations. We have moved back to our own industry groupings for simplicity. There is an added option “Other” to be used if none of the items listed apply. Where we have 3 or less organizations in a given grouping we will be in contact with you.
3-1 ----- This question has been removed. Option 3 from the 2024 survey has been merged into question 3-2 as option 3-2.8.
3-3.3 ----- We added an option for extra points if your training includes challenges faced by intersex, non-binary, or multiply-marginalized people (for example, transgender women of color)
4-1 We combined all items from question 4-1 on the 2024 survey into option 4-1.2, and merged the question 4-2 from the 2024 survey into this same question (options 4-1.7, and 4-1.8).
4-2 has been merged into 4-1 as stated above.
4-3 We clarified the language to be more inclusive of gender identity and for intersex people.
4-3.6 We added an option for extra points if you have specific coverage for intersex-specific healthcare.
There are 3 new items added in this section. Our policy is that newly added items will NOT impact score in the first year that they appear in the Global Benchmark survey.
6-1.5 NEW item – conducting focus groups with LGBTIQ+ employees
6-1.6 NEW item – tracking LGBTIQ+ specific KPI’s
6-3.6 NEW item – using LGBTIQ+ data to make progress
7-1 updated items to include channel partners (for B2B participants)
7-2 updated items to include channel partners (for B2B participants)
8-1.2 We merged options 8-1.2 and 8-1.3 from 2024. You will now receive extra points here if you have used LGBTIQ+ specific media outlets.
8-3.4 We merged options 8-3.4 and 8-3.5 from 2024. You will now receive extra points here if your organization took the initiative or acted independently in support of LGBTIQ+ rights and equality.
Reg-3, 4 These questions have been in the survey since 2023 and will now be included in the total scoring of your submission.