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Related content

The feature related content gathers automatically content that has the same labels and displays it on the details page of another asset.

The advantage of labels is that they are not visible to the customers. You can freely introduce content categorisation that fits your streaming service.

The order of the content in the related content section is based on the label matches. The more label match with each other the higher the ranking.

You can enable the related content feature here.

Related content labels

There are only two types of labels that are taken into consideration for the related content feature. These labels start with

  • genre_

  • related_

Both labels are used equally.

The order of the content in the related content section is based on the label matches. The more labels match with each other the higher the ranking.

Here is an example:

  • Movie A has the labels genre_drama, genre_comedy, related_europeancinema, related_nordicnoir

  • Movie B has the labels genre_action, genre_comedy, related_ww2

  • Movie C has the labels genre_drama, related_europeancinema, related_nordicnoir

If you go to the detail page of movie A then C will have a higher ranking than movie B in the related section. If you go to movie C you will only see the movie A in the related section.

If you want to use this feature you can activate it here.

Adding a related label to an asset

  1. If you want that a specific asset is showing up as related you will need to add a label that starts with related_

  2. Go to metadata in the console

  3. Find the metadata asset

  4. Go to the settings tab of the asset

  5. Add the label in the general section

You must have Author or Collection Owner permission to create Guru Cards. Contact your team's Guru admins to use this template.